Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Eclipse!!!! 28th August 2007!!!!!

Anyone saw the the lunar eclipse???? U all know what an eclipse is right? YOU DON"T....lol!!! *gasp* There's 2 types of eclipse.....lunar eclipse and solar eclipse. Lunar is the one at night, and solar is the one in the morning.

You watch the moon for lunar eclipse, it'll turn red...bloddy red. Lunar eclipse is when the sun, earth and moon is aligned in this position, moon,earth,sun. A lunar eclipse occurs whenever the moon passes through some portion of the Earth's shadow. The moon is always full on a lunar eclipse.

You watch for the sun. But you need special glasses to view this eclipse or else you'll becom blind like a rat!!!! A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring Earth's view of the Sun. This configuration can only occur during a new moon, when the Sun and Moon are in conjunction as seen from the Earth. So the Earth will be dark for few minutes. CoOl!!!!!

I saw the lunar eclipse....i waited so long. But finally the sun set and the moon came out. IT WAS SO BIG. but that wasn't the eclipse yet. It needs to turn red. but.....bad luck! There was 2 much clouds! It covered the moon! but i saw the aftermath. I didn't saw it turn red. but i saw it RED! Lol! It was cool. I took pictures of the big full moon. I'll post it soon!!!!

A solar eclipse is gonna happen at Septmber 11 2007 (tuesday) So get you special glasses and watch out for it!

1 comment:

MaeLing said...

boooo~ haha. this has absolutely nothing to do with this post(i mean ur blog entry). anyway..just wanna ask what happened to ur cbox. is it still there or am i the only one who cant see it?=(